Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Changing configuration file programmatically

If you need to change the web.config file of your web site programatically provides the WebConfigurationManager class to achive that task.

Here is a code piece that will allow you to change the culture settings in the web.config file.

I put this into the Application_Start method of Global.aspx.cs so that the web.confi is changed when the site is initialized. In order to prevent the web site from restarting over and over again, I need to check the value that I changed to see that it's there:

Configuration conf = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
SystemWebSectionGroup webSection = (SystemWebSectionGroup)conf.GetSectionGroup("system.web");
if (webSection.Globalization.Culture != MyConfiguration.Culture)
webSection.Globalization.Culture = MyConfiguration.Culture;
webSection.Globalization.UICulture = MyConfiguration.Culture;

In this case above, I am changing the culture settings in the configuration file.

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